Spanish Tapas

Hey everyone! After living in Spain for almost a year, we learned a thing or two about Spanish food. Tapas are the greatest thing EVER. For those of you who don’t know, tapas are small dishes of food (similar to appetizers) that groups of people will share while having some drinks. Often times this can […]

Viva la Feria

Hey everyone! It’s official, we’re finally State-side again for the summer. Although we are back in the USA, we have a few posts to finish up about Spain over the next few weeks. The first and most important is about FERIA! We actually went to two Feria’s this year, the most famous being Feria de […]

Monkeying around in Gibraltar

Hello everybody! For our last weekend away from Sevilla, we headed down to San Roque, Cadiz to visit one of my friends who lives there. One of the highlight’s of our trip was visiting Gibraltar for one afternoon. For those of you who don’t know, Gibraltar is a small piece of land (2.6 square miles […]

The Sounds of Salzburg

Hey everyone!! The hills are alive with the sounds of….Salzburg! Now that you’ve heard about our time in Munich & Neuschwastein, it’s time to talk about the day trip we took to Austria. It’s strange as an American to say that we took a day trip to a different country, but this was actually our […]

Change of Scenery

Hello everyone! I know that it’s been a long time since we’ve written a blog but things have been very hectic for us lately. Let me explain… At the end of January, I left my job in Algeciras and accepted a position in Alcalá de Guadaíra at the school Mark teaches at. Mark’s roommate decided […]

Christmas in Cologne

Hey everyone! Last weekend, we were transported into a Christmas fairy-tale while visiting Germany. It was a weekend filled with good company, beautiful Christmas lights, live music, food & laughter. To begin, we were lucky enough to meet up with one of our friends from college (Chris) who flew from Malta to meet us for […]

Palace of Versailles

Hi everyone, Last weekend, Mark and I were lucky enough to visit Paris for the weekend. Despite the chilly temperatures and short amount of time we had, we were determined to see as much as we possibly could! On Saturday morning, we woke up early and caught a train to Versailles (about 30 minutes outside […]

Sunday in Jerez

Hey everyone! Last Sunday, Mark and I were able to take a day trip to meet up in the beautiful city of Jerez. We were lucky enough to have perfect, sunny weather and spent most of our day exploring and eating tapas! Jerez is a popular city in the province of Cadiz that is known […]

Sevilla Cathedral

Hey everyone! Last weekend we visited the Sevilla Cathedral and took some great pictures and videos! We were lucky enough to have Mark’s brother (Matt) visiting us, so we were able to explore the Cathedral all together. It is the third largest Cathedral in the world and is definitely a must-see when visiting Sevilla! You […]

Teaching in Spain

Hi everyone! Now that I have had more than 3 full weeks of classes at my school, I have some time to reflect on my experience. Besides embarrassing myself in the lunchroom (I will explain later) and getting lost (8-10 times), things seem to be going generally well now! However, my school is a lot […]